Sermon Notes

Sermon notes The Kingdom (Isaiah 7:1-9,Luke 1:26-38)" 12 December 2021 

Sermon notes Redemption (1 Peter 10-25)" 5 December 2021 

Sermon notes Christ and Paul (Amos 3:1-8, 1 Timothy 1:1-11)" 28 November 2021 

Sermon notes The Church of God (Acts 20:17-38)" 21 November 2021 

Sermon notes Five Surprising Things Acts 19:23" 14 November 2021 

Sermon notes Jesus Christ; serious trouble at Ephesus(Acts 19:21-41)" 7 November 2021 

Sermon notes The Word of the Master (Acts 19:1-22)" 31 October 2021 

Sermon notes The best laid schemes o’ mice and men (Acts 18:18-28)" 24 October 2021 

Sermon notes Corinth opens…the freedom of the city! (Acts 18:1-17)" 17 October 2021 

Sermon notes Dion and Damaris: Daring to Think Differently (Acts 17:16-34)" 10 October 2021 

Sermon notes The Master is coming…We’re alive with him (1 Thessalonians 4:13-5:8)" 03 October 2021 

Sermon notes Turning the world upside down-Another King (Acts 17:1-9)" 26 September 2021 

Sermon notes Philippians #4 Gentle people, joyful in Christ (Philippians 4:1-9)" 19 September 2021 

Sermon notes No confidence in the flesh-Are we there yet? (Philippians 3:1-12)" 12 September 2021 

Sermon notes The Philippi Letter #2 Carmen Christi (Philippians 2:1-12)" 05 September 2021 

Sermon notes The Philippi Letter #1 Every time I remember you (Philippians 1:1-12) " 29 August 2021 

Sermon notes Acts #12 On the Road Again-The Philippi Tryptich (Acts 16:11-34) " 22 August 2021 

Sermon notes Acts #11 The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:1-21) " 15 August 2021 

Sermon notes Acts #10 Travelling with St Paul-The ups and downs (Acts 13:26-52)" 08 August 2021 

Sermon notes "Acts #9 God has broken through (Acts 11:19-30)" 01 August 2021 

Sermon notes "Acts #8 Reflections on the Conversion of a Military Man Acts (10:23-48)" 25 July 2021 

Sermon notes "Test Everything (Deuteronomy 13:1-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-22)" 18 July 2021 

Sermon notes "Jesus's True Mother and Brothers (Hosea 1:1-11,Mathew 12:46-50 )" 11 July 2021 

Sermon notes "Think For Yourself (Deuteronomy 17:14-20, John 18:28-40)" 4 July 2021 

Sermon notes"What Will You Do? (Exodus 16:1-21, John 6:60-71)" 27 June 2021 

Sermon notes "Acts #7 Saul of Tarsus:Damascus Rd to Straight St (Acts 9:1-22) " 20 June 2021 

Sermon notes "Acts #6 A Samaritan Pentecost! (Acts 8:4-25) " 13 June 2021 

Sermon notes "Acts #5 Stephen’s testimony (Acts 6:8-15) " 16 May 2021 

Sermon notes "Acts #4 An Enemy ‘within and without’ (Acts 5:1-16)" 9 May 2021

Sermon notes "Acts #3 Four Vital Signs (Acts 2:38-47)" 2 May 2021

Sermon notes "Acts #2 Receive the Gift (Acts 2:1-13)" 25 April 2021

Sermon notes "Acts #1 People get ready! There's a train a-coming (Acts 1:1-14)" 18 April 2021

Sermon notes" Walking with Jesus (Luke 24:13-35)" 11 April 2021

Sermon notes "Isaiah’s 4th Servant Song #5: He shall live (Isaiah 53:10-12, Mark 15:42-16:8) " 4 April 2021

Sermon notes "Isaiah’s 4th Servant Song #4:Like a Lamb (Isaiah 53:7-9, Mark 15:1-20) Good Friday 2 April 2021 

Sermon notes "Isaiah’s 4th Servant Song #3:He was punished (Isaiah 53:4-6, 1 Peter 2:18-25)" 28 March 2021

Sermon notes "Isaiah’s 4th Servant Song #2: WHO has BELIEVED? (John12:27-43, Isaiah 53:1-3)" 21 March 2021

Sermon notes "Isaiah’s 4th Servant Song #1 Shock and Awe (Acts 8:26-40, Isaiah 52:13-15)" 14 March 2021

Sermon notes "Salute one another with a Holy kiss (1 Corinthians 11:17-34)" 07 March 2021

Sermon notes "BEAR one another's burdens (Galatians 5:22-6:5)" 28 February 2021 

Sermon notes "LIKE MINDED with One Another (Philippians 2:1-11, Romans 12:1-2) " 21 February 2021 

Sermon notes "SERVE One another (Galatians 5:13, John 13:1-20)" 14 February 2021

Sermon notes "Speak truth to one another (Ephesians 4:20-32)" 7 February 2021

Sermon notes "MEMBERS OF One Another (Romans 12:1-13)" 31 January 2021

Sermon notes "Love one another (John 3:31-38)" 24 January 2021

Sermon notes "Quo Vadis-Where are you going? (John 1:35-42)" 10 January 2021

Sermon notes "Come to him (by whatever route you can) (Matthew 2:1-12)" 3 January 2021

Sermon notes "His mercy flows-Magnificat part II (Luke 1:46-55)" 27 December 2020

Sermon notes "Why Jesus came according to John: that you might have life-Advent week 4 (John 1: 1-18) " 20 December 2020

Sermon notes "Your Saviour was born-Advent week 3 (Luke 2:1-12) " 13 December 2020

Sermon notes "The Christmas gift all wrapped up-Advent week 2 (Mark 10:35-45) " 6 December 2020

Sermon notes "What do you expect? (Matthew 1:18–25, Isaiah 7:14) " 29 November 2020

Sermon notes " Great Texts of the Bible #16 And they were singing-Revelation 5:6-14" 22 November 2020

Sermon notes " Great Texts of the Bible #15 More than Conquerors-Romans 8:28-39" 15 November 2020

Sermon notes " Great Texts of the Bible #14 God’s unspeakable gift-2 Corinthians 8:1-15, 9:15" 8 November 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #13 This is goodbye-Acts 20:17-38" 1 November 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #12 A Brand New Beginning-Jeremiah 31:31-34" 25 October 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #11 Jesus' High Priestly Prayer-John 17" 18 October 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #10 The Mind of Christ my Saviour-Philippians 2:1-16" 11 October 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #9 This IS That Acts 2:22-42" 04 October 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #8 beauty for ashes oil of joy for mourning Luke 4:14-24" 27 September 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #7 the time has come Mark 1:1-15" 20 September 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #6Great Texts of the Bible Isaiah 53" 13 September 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #5 The LORD is my Shepherd Psalm 23" 6 September 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible # 4 Burning but not consumed" 30 August 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible #3 In his own image" 23 August 2020

Sermon notes " Great Texts of the Bible #2 In his own image" 16 August 2020

Sermon notes "Great Texts of the Bible#1" 9 August 2020

Sermon notes "The Great Commission" 2 August 2020

Sermon notes "A guarded tomb?" 26 July 2020

Sermon notes "A good and beautiful thing" 19 July 2020

Sermon notes "Gospel of Matthew: Marker #5 (contd) Matthew 24 Waiting for the Midwife" 05 July 2020

Sermon notes "Gospel of Matthew: Marker #5 The terrible danger of straining a fly and swallowing a camel." 28 June 2020

Sermon notes "Gospel of Matthew: Marker #4, The Christian’s New Normal" 21 June 2020

Sermon notes " A puzzling set of parables Way, Route Marker #3" 14 June 2020

Sermon notes " Following Jesus’ Way, Route Marker #2" 7 June 2020 

Sermon notes " Coronavirus advice: words to build a life on." 31 May 2020

Sermon notes 24 May 2020

Sermon notes 17 May 2020

Sermon notes 10 May 2020

Sermon notes 3 May 2020

Sermon notes 26 April 2020

Semon notes 19 April 2020

Semon notes 12 April 2020

Sermon notes 5 April 2020

Sermon notes 29 March 2020

Sermon notes 22 March 2020