Welcome to Blackburn Presbyterian Church

We welcome you to our service every Sunday at 11:00am
We are a community of Christians committed to know Jesus and to make him known. Develop your faith with roots and fruits. Worship with us as young and old learn together from the Holy Scriptures and share the love of Jesus Christ.
We are here every Sunday at 11 am and you will be made most welcome!
This week's sermon information:
Blackburn Presbyterian Church
Dear Friend of BPC
Who cares about the Church?
This question deeply engaged the first generation of Christians as the message of Jesus transitioned to the second generation of believers.
How would small, powerless and counter-cultural communities survive in a hostile Roman Empire?
Join us as we identify themes in the Pastoral letters that describe the situation, and provisions that were made for the next generation of Christians.
What lessons might we discover for today?
Join us if you can.
Yours in Jesus Name.